Stop to worry about money:
that's a difficult one if you have a mortgage to pay off
Stop to worry about what others are thinking about you:
it's rather the opposite way of thinking...
Two times a year on holiday:
in West-Europe, thanks to the Christians, we've already many holidays
To joy the little pleasures of life:
and not too much
To visit other cultures:
been there, done that and will continue to be open for other cultures
To work for beautiful life-experiences and not to live for only working in your life:
Well, it's rather working for giving people something back, and some people are only thinking of
money and no other things
No debts:
Not true
Honest with yourself:
I'm the pope: at least I'm bald too
Concentrating on what you've already, and not on what you don't have:
The older we're, the more we do
Invest money in experiences, rather than to depose it on accounts:
Think of the (banking) costs and assets and think again
Make time for family and friends
Time is not an issue, certain family and friends are
Try all sorts of food
If you're not allergic to it
Find true love:
Wife and kids, anyone?
Visit at least 25 countries:
Who has ever count it? Have lost count hit
Learn a new language:
From a language-travel book
Make sure that your family members are thinking about you positively:
And if they're negatively themselves?
Make sure you're loosing 6 kilo of weight:
Keeping low figure...
Live each day if it is your last one:
Visit all the important historical places in your country:
It takes indeed a lifetime to visit it
Help your family members if that's really necessarily:
It's only helping, hum? And without them putting conditions, it's even better
Book a vacation unexpectedly:
If you('ve) plan(ned) too
Be a volunteer for charity:
We're helping people, aren't we?
Do a challenge, go for it:
If it doesn't, then it should not harm
Go for a safari:
The zoo is an option
Give mass money out on shopping, just because you can afford that:
On credit, sort of speaking
Learn to play an instrument:
Be married for at least 20 years:
Or what/who else is more beautifull afterwards?
Let your grandchildren some money:
By other words: dump it
Create a family:
And keep it that way
Gain more money than your age prescribes:
Still young-looking
Keep an animal:
I'm the only one
Ride a supersonic car:
And have a ticket for speeding
Travel alone:
A chance to seduce someone
Keep your children on the right path:
Tell them the story of the wizard(s) of Oz
Meet strangers:
And keeping up appearances...
Swap your home for an unknown place:
A one night stand?
Have a one night stand:
No, really?
Have a driver's licence:
Driver's seat
Have a diploma:
Or collect coins (in a game)
Save somebody:
If you need somebody
Keep a date with an exciting someone who absolutely does not suit you:
Or you can sue them in court
Have a promotion:
You can look in the advertising pages
Reach your career peak on your fortieth:
Yeah, sure...
Drink all night long:
And have a morning-hangover
Perform in a theater for others:
Standing ovation for standing-up comedians
Embrace a stranger:
And what his/her reaction?
Try an activity that hunts the adrenaline through your body, skydiving for example:
Who's that bunny?
Keeping up (time) with the children, even if they're not yours:
Who, they're not my children?!
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