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Hong Kong News of the Day

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Gospel of Mark(us)

A few years ago, we met a very intelligent man who can foretell some economic situations of the financial market. Let's say by hearing the news of some manifestations he just say: "this is rather be no good, these shares will be falling 10 %."  And right he has! The next morning the results were justified...
But what  we still are remained concious was the following he said: "You think the European Community will
still be there after 50 years under this structure nowadays? No way! Only the Euro will survive and these Community will fall apart into different countries like in the old days before the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992."
Justified and ancient... like the KLF - Britband in 1991...
If you see the situation in Belgium with their Federal Estate and complex annex contradictable legislations,
then we can almost conclude that Europe nowadays is an enlargment of the Belgian social, cultural and
economical  pespectives.
What have we learned about Richness again (Friday 8 April) : 'change the inside to have remarkable visible results.'  Likely
Belgium has serious problems to be considered as the Center/Heart of Europe. We just think that we're
overwhelmed in the comfort zone, which will be ending up in a impoverishement of our wealth-estate(s).
As we mentioned before in Ekers' success-story, we must set the financial limit each time higher and higher to be competitive with others and learn to be team, spirited as one Union.
We also have learned that Europe is too liberal at all: with the "weakening" of Christian Values and the free
expression of opinions who's acumilating the weakening (see the contradiction), they search for other 'big'
religions to compensate this. On the contrary, what politicians are hoping for, is not being accepted by people everywhere: the islamisation of Europe.
And when the eyes of the Arabs are yet to be open in their tyranic world, they are putting only more oil into the fire... And we, fools as we are, were thinking that only Baltic states cause troubles....Industrialisation, my dear, the power of money rules the world!

Related topic of the future of Europe

Although an article of 2005, in the big lines they can be true.

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