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Hong Kong News of the Day

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Beautifull songs of the TVB-serial 衝上雲霄 II (Triumph in the skies II)

Tim Ellis - Eternally Yours

Julie London - Fly me to the moon

 Bob Dylan, performed by Adèle - Make you feel my love

Adèle - Chasing pavements Mag Lam - 空中戀人 (Aerial lovers

林峯 (Raymond Lam) - On my way

Patti Austin - Say you love me

Rob Bagshaw ft. Tara Chinn - Smoking gun

Peter Marsh - Stop the clock

Billy Joel - Just the way you are

Diana Ross - Ain't no mountain high enough

Louis Armstrong - La vie en rose

Chris Winland & Daniel Finot - The circus of life

Chris Winland & Daniel Finot - Popsong

Celine Dion - S'il suffisait d'aimer

Andy Powell - I just want to be here

Tim Ellis - Dry your eyes

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