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Hong Kong News of the Day

Friday 3 February 2012

The more you economize, the more you pay

For example: the gaz and oilprices.
We've checked our yearly consumation of gaz in our home.
Although we have saved 2000 kWh pro year, the gaz-prices have increased nearly 60 % in 2 years!
So you can imagine what that means in our primarily basic needs...
But as there are many ways to economize, there are also many ways to earn money. And that is all about change, where people are afraid of.

Life is getting expensive, but (electronical) comfort is cheaper than ever.
Isn't it ironical how people get used to their luxuarious situation that they want to
protect at all costs? Here in the well-fared Europe, change to comfort is rather quickly accepted as change to work longer. With other words: the pampering society.

So, brief is that change will create more possibilities than you ever will imaginate, not only in technology, but also economically, culturally and socially.


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